03 September 2007


Yay! Back in los angeles!!! thank god. What an adventure the trip back was. Let's see.... we arrived at the airport at 5:15 a.m. (and yes, Jakob was amazing!) and made it through the throngs of people, security, etc. Our plane left a bit later than scheduled, making the landing at DeGaulle a bit of a mess. We had ten minutes to spare and we were running like mad-people to get to our gate. Security had their way with me first, though. I'm surprised they didn't muck up Jakob's lovey! They passed my cameras through twice. I should have mentioned to them that the "terrorist" they should be worried about lives in the slums of Tel Aviv (an otherwise fab city, i might add). Anyway, we sat on our plane with 2 minutes to spare. Phew. Then...the delays began. We ended up leaving 2 hours later. We flew for something like 17 hours total. I can't quite count. It was long... We arrived here at 5:30 (from 3:15!!) and discovered that our luggage was still in Paris. Okay, so hell, at least we were home. I vaguely remember the drive home. My mom cooked something, but by 7, I was in a sleep coma on my couch.

The days are getting clearer. This week begins much necessary change. Jakob starts 1st grade (wholly shite, batman!), then Soccer on Thursday, mommy is back in school (whoopee! i get two teke inglisch.......finelee) and life shall resume, albeit changed in ways I can't put into words.

Until next time, folks....

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