In light of the ever disturbing political melee in America these days, I am still struck by the sheer audacity that is the conservative right-wing republican party. Sure, there are some liberal 'pubs out there that are decent people-I don't deny this-but what I'm bombarded with is the ultra-right, ultra-tunnel-visioned folks aching to slam their views down my throat.
Me, well, I'm left with several questions all of which have no answers: Are we a nation swayed by gender? Are we a nation swayed by lies and bullying tactics? Are we a nation without the spine to stand up for what we believe in?
Those are just a few...
See, I work with a McCain/Palin supporter, and as much as I don't appreciate his views, I like to think I "play nicely in the sandbox" that is my office. Sadly, this is often one-sided, and certainly, this person doesn't represent the totality of the rebublican party, but there is an eerie shadow of those impish bullying tactics we've become accustomed to. Today, for example, I was showered with a commentary about breeding, "We conservatives breed more than you liberals," being one particularly unforgettable line. True, they probably do, and true, we "liberals" have slowed down often out of fear of raising children in the dark ages. All in all, it reminded me of this lovely ditty from 2006 (not my favorite flick, but the opening is pretty great!):
Thanks for listening.... To be continued, I'm sure!
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